Narratives and Diverging Memories in a Sino-Taiwanese Space of Interaction

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Taipei Office presents a seminar : From December 2009 until March 2010, in Paris, an experimental…

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記憶與對話:如何創造兩岸的交流空間?傅敏雅新書座談 Mémoire et Dialogue : Comment construire l’espace inter-détroit ?

Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous inviter à une rencontre avec Samia Ferhat autour de ses deux livres : « Le Temps des mots, un…

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Comparing Fine-Tuning and Data Programming approaches for Linguistic Segmentation Tasks

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The New AI (Artificial Indigeneity): The Rise of Indigenous Speculative Fiction in Taiwan

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Taipei Office presents a seminar :   In this presentation, I will be unfolding the rise…

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Ian Rowen (NTNU): « One China, Many Taiwans. The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism »

« One China, Many Taiwans The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism » Ian Rowen (NTNU) 9 May 2023 3PM In-person seminar: Conference Room 1, Research Center for Humanities…

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The British State in Trouble : Brexit and financialisation

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with the Division of Public Policy (PPOL), HKUST, presents a hybird seminar : Date…

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China Africa Relations: A New Hegemony

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with the School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS) and the Global China Center,…

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Producing knowledge during a time of crisis. Reflections on the Wars of Religion in 16th century France

Producing knowledge during a time of crisis. Reflections on the Wars of Religion in 16th century France  Oury Goldman (Université de Lyon) 6 March 2023…

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Hong Kong’s Intangible Cultural Heritage #2 : Transmitting a Living Tradition and Giving Visibility

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with Hong Kong Shue Yan University and the Consulate General of France in Hong…

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Éléments pour une histoire alternative du mandarin comme langue légitime: noter, écrire, transcrire, tracer, saisir

Éléments pour une histoire alternative du mandarin comme langue légitime : noter, écrire, transcrire, tracer, saisir Yoann Goudin (LIDILEM, GSRL, Université Nationale de Kaohsiung) 21…

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