07/04/2024   6:00 - 7:00pm   Bookstore Parenthèses, Central, Hong Kong

Book Presentation by Yves Sintomer : Petite histoire de l’expérimentation démocratique (in FR)

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  07/04/2024   2:00 - 3:30pm   Room 3301, Academic Building, HKUST (via Lift 2, 17 or 18)

Western Democracy: The End of the Golden Age?

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  05/20/2024 - 05/20/2024   14:00pm - 17:00pm   Room 2B, Research Center for Humanities and Social sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei

Knotted Cords and Haptic Knowledge: Andean Khipus as a Comparative Case for Studies of Taiwanese Indigenous Epistemologies

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  05/17/2024   14:00 - 17:00   Room 2B, Research Center for Humanities and Social sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei

On the Backroads of the Global Supply Chain. Migrant Seafarers, Commodities, and Digitized Trade across Taiwan

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  05/10/2024   2:00 - 3:30 pm   HKUST, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Room 2405 (hybrid via Zoom)

The Space of Chinese Sociologists and Their Opinions on the Localization/Sinicization of Chinese Social Sciences

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