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Books in French and English

ABERBACH Joel D., DOLLAR David and SOKOLLOFF Kenneth L. eds.The Role of the State in Taiwan's DevelopmentArmonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 1994091
ACCINELLI RobertCrisis and CommitmentChapel Hill , The University of North Carolina Press, 1996717
AHERN Emily Martin and GATES HillThe Anthropology of Taiwanese SocietyStanford, Stanford University, 1981087
ALAGAPPA Muthiah ed.Taiwan's Presidential PoliticsArmonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 20011298
ALLEE Mark A.Law and Local Society in Late Imperial China: Northern Taiwan in the Nineteenth CenturyTaipei, SMC Publishing, 19971216
ALLIO FiorellaSpatial Organization in a Ritual Context: A Preliminary Analysis of the Koah-hiun Processional System of the Tainan Region and Its Social SignificanceTaipei, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 20031375
AMAE YoshihisaTaiwan's Exodus: The Presbyterian Church in Taiwanese Nationalism, 1945-1992
(Ph.D. Dissertation)
Honolulu, University of Hawai'i, 20072143
ANDRADE TonioLost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over the WestNew Jersey, Princeton University Press, 20112242
ANDRADE TonioHow Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth CenturyNew York, Columbia University Press, 20092171
AROTCARENA Guillaume, JOBIN Paul, SABOURET Jean-François (eds.)Démocratie, modernité et christianisme en AsieParis, Les Indes savantes, 20092072
ARRIGO Linda Gail, MILES Lynn (eds.)A Borrowed Voice: Taiwan Human Rights through International Networks, 1960-1980Taipei, Social Empowerment Alliance, 20082141
ASH Robert and GREENE J. MeganTaiwan in the 21st Century: Aspects and limitations of a development modelLondon and New York, Routledge, 20071872
ASH Robert, GARVER John W., PRIME Penelope B., ed.Taiwan's Democracy:
Economic and political challenges
New York: Routledge, 20112219
Asian SurveyXLIV:4
Special Issue on Taiwan's Search for National Identity
Berkeley, University of California Press, 20041530
ASPALTER ChristianUnderstanding Modern TaiwanAldershot (Hampshire), Ashgate, 20011351
ASPALTER Christian ed.Democratization and Welfare State Development in TaiwanAldershot (Hampshire), Ashgate, 20021289
AU-YEUNG Annie, BONNIN Michel, JACQUET RaphaëlLexique des mots nouveaux de la langue chinoiseParis, Editions You Feng, 1997640
Auteur/AuthorTitre/TitleEdition / PublisherRef.
BAI LianEvolving On-Line Empowerment: The Manchu Identity Revival Since the 1980s
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no.195)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20082041
BAI XianyongGens de TaipeiParis, Flammarion, 1997518
BAI XianyongGarçons de cristalParis, Flammarion, 1995280
BAIN IreneAgricultural Reform in TaiwanHong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 1993238
BALCOM John and BALCOM Yingtsih (eds.),
BALCOM John (trans. & intro.)
Indigenous Writers of Taiwan: An Anthology of Stories, Essays, & PoemsNew York, Columbia Unversity Press, 20052054
BARCLAY George W.Colonial Development and Population in TaiwanPrinceton (N.J.), Princeton University Press, 1954396
BATE H. MaclearReport from FormosaLondon, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 19522057
BEDIN Véronique, FOURNIER Martine (eds.)La Bibliothèque idéale des sciences humainesAuxerre, Sciences Humaines Editions, 20082179
BEFU HarumiCultural nationalism in East Asia - Representation and IdentityBerkeley (Ca.), Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1993405
BELLOWS Thomas J.Taiwan's Foreign Policy in the 1970s : A Case Study of Adaptation and Viability
(Occasional Papers/ Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 4)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1977242
BELLOWS Thomas J.The Republic of China Legislative Yuan: A Study of Institutional Evolution
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 175)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20031409
BERGERE Maire-ClaireLa Chine de 1949 à nos joursParis, Armand Colin, 20001075
BERGERE Marie-ClaireSun Yat-SenParis, Fayard, 19941064
BERRY Chris and
LU Feii
Island on the Edge: Taiwan New Cinema and AfterHong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 20051786
BIARNES PierrePour l'empire du monde: Les Américains aux frontières de la Russie et de la ChineParis, Ellipses, 20031411
BITZINGER Richard A. and GILL BatesGearing up for High-Tech Warfare? Chinese and Taiwanese Defense Modernization and Implications for Military Confrontation Across the Taiwan Strait, 1995-2005Washington, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 1996493
BLANCHARD Jean-Marc F., HICKEY Dennis V., ed.New Thinking about the Taiwan Issue: Theoretical insights into its origins, dynamics, and prospectsNew York / Abingdon: Routledge, 20122252
BLUNDELL DavidAustronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, and PrehistoryTaipei, SMC Publishing, 20011536
BLUNDELL David, ed.Taiwan since martial law : society. culture. politics. economyTaipei : Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines ; Berkeley : University of California, Berkeley ; Taipei : National Taiwan University Press, 20122254
BLUSSE Leonard & EVERTS Natalie (eds.)Around and about Formosa: Essays in honor of Professor Ts'ao Yung-hoTaipei, Ts'ao Yung-ho Foundation for Culture and Education, 20031675
BLUSSE Leonard and EVERTS NatalieThe Formosan Encounter Vol. II 1636-1645Taipei, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 2000975
BLUSSE Leonard and EVERTS NatalieThe Formosan Encounter. Notes on Formosa's Aboriginal Society: A Selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources, Vol III: 1646-1654Taipei, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 20062065
BLUSSÉ Leonard (ed.)The Formosan Encounter Vol. I 1623-1635Taipei, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 1999974
BO YangThe Ugly ChinamanSydney, Allen & Unwin, 1992059
BOILLOT Jean-Joseph et MICHELON NicolasChine, Hong Kong, Taïwan. Une nouvelle géographie économique de l'AsieParis, La documentation Française, 20011603
BOLING DavidMass Rape, Enforced Prostitution, and the Japanese Imperial Army: Japan Eschews International Legal Responsibility?
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 128)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1995255
BORAO MATEO Jose EugenioSpaniards in Taiwan, Vol. I 1582-1641Taipei, SMC Publishing, 20011360
BORAO MATEO Jose EugenioSpaniards in Taiwan, Vol. II 1642-1682Taipei, SMC Publishing, 20021361
BRASIER MichelLes Relations Franco-ChinoisesParis, Journaux Officiels, 1995455
BRESCIANI UmbertoReinventing Confucianism: The New Confucian MovementTaipei, Taipei Ricci Institute, 20011589
BRISTOW, Roger, ed.Planning in Taiwan: Spatial planning in the twenty-first centuryNew York: Routledge, 20102206
BROWN Melissa J.Negotiating Ethnicities in China and TaiwanBerkeley, University of California Press, 1996567
BROWN Melissa J. ed.Is Taiwan Chinese?Berkeley, University of California Press, 20041413
BROWN Seyom, CLARK Cal, TAKEUCHI Hiroki, and TAN Alex (eds.)Taiwan at a Turning Point
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no.196)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20092098
BULLARD Monte R.The Soldier and the Citizen - The Role of the Military in Taiwan's DevelopmentArmonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 1997529
Bureau of National Health InsuranceNational Health Insurance in Taiwan Profile 2006Taipei, Bureau of National Health Insurance, 20061658
BUSH Richard C.Untying the Knot: Making Peace in the Taiwan StraitWashington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press, 20051537
BUSH Richard C.At Cross Purposes: U.S. - Taiwan Relations Since 1942Armonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 20041480
CABESTAN Jean-PierreL'esprit de défense de Taiwan face à la Chine. La jeunesse taiwanaise face à la tentation de la ChineParis, L'Harmattan, 20092161
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre, VERMANDER BenoîtLa Chine en quête de ses frontières: La confrontation Chine-TaiwanParis, Presses de Sciences Po, 20051573
CABESTAN Jean-PierreLe système politique de TaiwanParis: PUF, 19992204
CABESTAN Jean-PierreLa politique internationale de la ChineParis: Presses Sciences Po., 20102205
CABESTAN Jean-PierreLe système politique de la Chine populaireParis, PUF, 1994228
CABESTAN Jean-PierreTaiwan-Chine populaire : l'impossible réunificationParis, Ifri-Dunod, 1995001
CABESTAN Jean-PierreNouvelle crise dans le détroit de TaiwanParis, La Documentation francaise, 1996407
CABESTAN Jean-PierreLe système politique de TaiwanParis, PUF, 1999834
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre"Taipei-Pékin : Les liaisons dangereuses"(Politique internationale / dossier spécial : Taiwan)Paris, Politique internationale, 1996402
CABESTAN Jean-PierreChine-Taiwan : La guerre est-elle concevable?Paris, ECONOMICA, 20031656
CABESTAN Jean-PierreL'Envol du communisme en ChineParis, Gallimard, 1983688
CALTIONHILL MarkPrivate Prayers and Public Parades: Exploring the Religious Life of TaipeiTaipei, Department of Information, Taipei City Government, 20021668
CAMPBELL Rev. WM.An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, Vol.1Taipei, SMC Publishing, 19961683
CAMPBELL Rev. WM.The Gospel of St. Matthew in Formosan (Sinkang Dialect)Taipei, SMC Publishing, 19961674
CAMPBELL Rev. WM. (ed.)An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, Vol.2Taipei, SMC Publishing, 19961684
CAMPBELL WilliamFormosa under the DutchTaipei, SMC Publishing, 1992207
CAMPBELL WilliamSketches from FormosaTaipei, SMC Publishing, 1996980
CAUQUELIN JosianeRitual Texts of the Last Traditional Practitioners of Nanwang PuyumaTaipei, Academia Sinica, Institute of Linguistics, 20082056
CAUQUELIN JosianeThe Aborigines of Taiwan. The Puyuma: from headhunting to the modern worldLondon and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 20042055
CEFCAn International Conference on The Development of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, Conference Papers ITaipei, CEFC, INPR and IFRI, 1998737
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1995~1996Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021186
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1999~2001Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021188
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1997~1998Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021187
CEFCAn International Conference on The Development of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, ProgramTaipei, CEFC, INPR and IFRI, 1998736
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from China Perspective 2000~2001Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021184
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from China Perspectives 1995~1997Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021182
CEFCAn International Conference on The Development of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, Conference Papers IITaipei, CEFC, INPR and IFRI, 1998738
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1992~1994Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021185
CEFCArticles about Taiwan from China Perspectives 1998~1999Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 20021183
Center for Chinese StudiesDigest of Chinese Studies 1993Taipei, American Association for Chinese Studies, 1994257
Center for Modern ChinaSpecial Topic: Making Sense Of Relations Across The Taiwan Strait (Journal of Contemporary China, 6(15) )Princeton (N.J.), Center for Modern China, 1997673
Center for Taiwan Studies, UCSBProceedings for Taiwan Studies in Global Perspectives, October 26-27, 2007Santa Barbara (Ca.), Center for Taiwan Studies, University of California, 20082009
Central Election CommissionThe Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall LawTaipei, Central Election Commission, 1995282
Central Election CommissionThe Public Officials Election and Recall LawTaipei, Central Election Commission, 1995283
CH'EN Chieh-ju; DUMONT René ed.Chiang Kai-shek's Secret Past: The Memoir Of His Second WifeNew York, Westview Press, 1993057, 219
Ch'en Ying-chenL'île verteParis, Bleu de Chine, 20001598
CHAIGNE ChristineLa Reconnaissance des Gouvernement Chinois par la FranceAix, Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 1996291
CHAIGNE Christine, PAIX Catherine, ZHENG Chantal édsTaiwan
enquête sur une identité
Paris, Karthala, 20001153
CHAN Diana, WU PainanA Bibliography of Asia-PacificHong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 1992233
CHANG Chao-Tang, ed.Tamsui : cinquante ans de la vie taiwanaise au bord du fleuve
Taipei, Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, 1994115
CHANG Doris T.Women's Movements in Twentieth-Century TaiwanUrbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 20092120
CHANG HaoChinese Intellectuals in Crisis: Search for Order and Meaning (1890-1911)Taipei, SMC Publishing, 19871663
CHANG Jaw-Ling JoanneUnited States-Taiwan Relations: Twenty Years after Taiwan Relations act
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 156)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20001136
CHANG Jaw-Ling Joanne and BOYER William W. eds.R.O.C.-U.S.A. Relations, 1979-1989Taipei, Institute of American Culture Academia Sinica, 19911148
CHANG Kwang-chihAnthropological Studies of the Taiwan Area: Accomplishments and ProspectsTaipei, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, 1989792
CHANG Kwang-chihSouvenirs de la Patate douce. Une adolescence taiwanaiseParis, Bleu de Chine, 20051599
CHANG Sung-sheng YvonneModernism and the Nativist ResistanceDurham (N.C.), Duke University Press, 1993215
CHANG Sung-sheng YvonneLiterary Culture in Taiwan: Martial Law to Market LawNew York, Columbia University Press, 20041793
CHARETTE RickReflections on Taipei: Expat Residents Look at Their Second HomeTaipei, Department of Information, Taipei City Government, 20031669
CHEN Cheng-siangGeo-Essays on TaiwanTaipei, SMC Publishing, 1995056
CHEN Chi-luMaterial Culture of the Formosan AboriginesTaipei, Southern Materials Center, Inc., 19881679
CHEN Chung-min, CHUANG Ying-chang, HUANG Shu-minEthnicity in Taiwan Social, Historical, and Cultural PerspectivesTaipei, Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica, 1993312
CHEN E.K.Y, WILLIAMS Jack F., WONG Joseph ed.Taiwan Economy, Society and HistoryHong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 1991236
CHEN H.Y. AlbertAn Introduction to the Legal System of the People's Republic of ChinaHong Kong, Butterworths Asia , 1994448
CHEN Li ( 陳黎 )Les confins de l'îleLyon: Tigre de Papier, 20092202
CHEN Shih-horngLee Teng-Hui and the Democratization of TaiwanTaipei County, Taiwan Advocates, 20061662
CHEN Steve & CLARK CalFlexibility, Foresight and Fortuna in Taiwan's DevelopmentLondon, Routledge, 1992094
CHEN Tain-JyTaiwanese Firms in Southeast AsiaCheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998846
CHEN Tsung-mingLes Jésuites à Taiwan de 1951 à 1975
(Thèse de doctorat)
Lyon, Faculté de Géographie, Histoire, histoire de l'Art, Tourisme, Université Lumière-Lyon 2, 20061773
CHEN Yi-shen, HSUEH Hua-yuan, LI Ming-juinn and HU Ching-shan eds.Taiwan's International Status: History and TheoryTaipei County, Taiwan Advocates, 20051483
CHEN Yu-huaThe Impact of Socioeconomic Development on Women's Status in the Family: Similaritites and Differences between China and TaiwanAnn Arbor (Mich.), Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company, 20001283
CHENG Chu-yuanThe Role of the Republic of China in The World Economy
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 129)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1995295
CHENG Shui-ChengMusique de TaiwanParis, Editions Guy Trédaniel, 19921796
CHENG Shui-Cheng and HSU Tsang-HoueiLes musiques et les chants hakka des deux rives du Détroit de TaiwanParis, Edition You Feng, 19981795
CHENG Tun-jen, HAGGARD StephenPolitical Change in TaiwanBoulder (Co.), Lynne Rienner, 1992213
CHENG Tun-jen, HUANG Chi,
WU Samuel S.G.
Inherited Rivalry Conflict Across the Taiwan StraitBoulder (Co.), Lynne Rienner, 1992210
CHENG YingLes paysans de Mancang: Chronique d'un village taiwanaisParis, KARTHALA, 20031533
CHEVALIÉRIAS PhilippeLa Marche des firmes taiwanaises vers le continent chinois (Thèse - Volume 2)Paris, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), 1999872
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CHI SchiveTaiwan's Economic Role in East AsiaWashington, Center for Strategic & International Studies, 1995400
CHIANG P. K.The Economic Development of the ROC on Taiwan Issues StrategiesTaipei, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1994038
CHIANG Tsu-WangPeinture et esthétique taïwanaises: Spécificité emblématique du lavisTaipei, Institut Ricci de Taipei, 20041588
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CHING Leo T. S.Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity FormationBerkeley, University of California Press, 20011195
CHIOU C. L.Democratizing Oriental DespotismNew York, St. Martin's Press, 1995347
CHIU Chen Lee-in & CHUNG ChinAn Assessment of Taiwan's Indirect Investment Toward Mainland ChinaTaipei, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, 1993386
CHIU HungdahSurvey of Recent Developments in China (Mainland and Taiwan), 1985-1986
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 79)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1990245
CHIU HungdahRecent Relations Between China and Taiwan and Taiwan's Defense Capabilities
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 134)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1996399
CHIU HungdahTaiwan's Legal System and Legal Profession
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 124 )
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1994329
CHIU HungdahImplementation of Taiwan Relations Act: An Examination After Twenty Years
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Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20011199
CHIU HungdahThe Status of Customary International Law, Treaties, Agreements and Semi-official or Unofficial Agreements in Law of the Republic of China on Taiwan
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Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20071985
CHIU Hungdah and
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CHIU Hungdah and DREYER June TeufelChinese Attitude Toward Continental Shelf and Its Implication on Delimiting Seabed in Southeast Asia
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Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1977240
CHIU Hungdah and FA Jyh-pinConstitutional Development and Reform in the Republic of China on Taiwan (with documents)
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 115)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1993249
CHIU Hungdah ed.The Taiwan Relations Act and Sino-American Relations
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 100 )
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1990247
CHIU Hungdah ed.The International Legal Status of The Republic of China
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Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1992248
CHIU Scarlett and
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From Southeast Asia to the Pacific: Archaeological Perspectives on the Austronesian Expansion and the Lapita Cultural Complex
(東南亞到太平洋:從考古學證據看南島語族擴散與 Lapita 文化之間的關係)
Taipei, Center for Archaeological Studies, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 20071915
CHO Hui-WanLegal Eligibility of Taiwan's Accession to GATT/WTO
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 158)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20001220
CHO Hui-WanTaiwan's Application to GATT/WTOWestport (Conn.), Praeger, 20021297
CHOU Bih-er, CLARK Cal,CLARK JanetWomen in Taiwan PoliticsBoulder (Co.), Lynne Rienner, 1990715
CHOU Lin and GUTIERREZ Hernan B.Relations Between the Republic of China and the Republic of Chile
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 126)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1995253
CHOU Lin ed.The Diplomatic War between Beijing and Taipei in Chile
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 164)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20011200
CHOW Peter C. Y.Taiwan in the Global EconomyWestport (Conn.), Praeger, 20021286
CHOW Peter C. Y.The U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Area Agreement: A Bridge for Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 171)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20021405
CHOW Peter C. Y.China's Economy After Deng : A Long-term Perspective
(Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 130)
Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1995330
CHOW Peter C. Y. (ed.)The "One China" DilemmaNew York, Palgrave Macmillan, 20082045
CHOW Peter C. Y., edNational Identity and Economic Interest: Taiwan's Competing Options and Their Implications for Regional StabilityNew York, Palgrave Macmillan, 20122251
CHU His-ning, CHU T'ien-wen et CHU T'ien-hsinLe dernier train pour Tamsui et autres nouvelles
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Paris, Christian Bourgois, 20041596
CHU Yun-hanThe Role of Taiwan in International Economic OrganizationsTaipei, Institute for National Policy Research, 1990515
CHU Yun-han ed.Crafting Democracy in TaiwanTaipei, Institute for National Policy Research, 1992514
CHU Yun-han, DIAMOND Larry, NATHAN Andrew J., and SHIN Doh Chull (eds.)How East Asians View DemocracyNew York, Columbia University Press, 20082092
CHUNG ChinThe Emerging Pattern of Division of Labor Across the Taiwan Strait : Macro Overview and Sectoral Analysis of the Electronics IndustryTaipei, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, 1996526
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CLARK CalThe 2000 Taiwan Presidential ElectionsNew York, Asia Society, 20001270
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COPPER John F.Historical Dictionary of TaiwanMetuchen (N.J.), Scarecrow Press, 1993565
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COPPER John F.The KMT's 15th Party Congress : The Ruling Party at A Crossroads
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Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1997710
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COPPER John F.Taiwan's 2004 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election: Democracy's Consolidation or Devolution?
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Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 20041410
COPPER John F.Words across the Taiwan StraitLanham (Maryland), University Press of America , 1995562
CORCUFF StéphaneUne identification nationale plurielle. Les Waishengren et la transition identitaire à Taiwan, 1988-1997 台灣『外省人』後解嚴時代的國家認同:危機,適應,多元化( Thèse Vol.2 )Paris, Institut d'études politiques de Paris, 20001090
CORCUFF StéphaneUne identification nationale plurielle. Les Waishengren et la transition identitaire à Taiwan, 1988-1997 台灣『外省人』後解嚴時代的國家認同:危機,適應,多元化( Thèse Vol.3 )Paris, Institut d'études politiques de Paris, 20001091
CORCUFF StéphaneUne identification nationale plurielle. Les Waishengren et la transition identitaire à Taiwan, 1988-1997 台灣『外省人』後解嚴時代的國家認同:危機,適應,多元化( Thèse Vol.1 )Paris, Institut d'études politiques de Paris, 20001089
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CORSA Richard T.Cottage to Cathedral: A Narrative of the Taiwan Episcopal ChurchTaipei, Taiwan Episcopal Church, 1998701
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Articles on Taiwan

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