Books in French and English
ABERBACH Joel D., DOLLAR David and SOKOLLOFF Kenneth L. eds. | The Role of the State in Taiwan's Development | Armonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 1994 | 091 |
ACCINELLI Robert | Crisis and Commitment | Chapel Hill , The University of North Carolina Press, 1996 | 717 |
AHERN Emily Martin and GATES Hill | The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society | Stanford, Stanford University, 1981 | 087 |
ALAGAPPA Muthiah ed. | Taiwan's Presidential Politics | Armonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 2001 | 1298 |
ALLEE Mark A. | Law and Local Society in Late Imperial China: Northern Taiwan in the Nineteenth Century | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1997 | 1216 |
ALLIO Fiorella | Spatial Organization in a Ritual Context: A Preliminary Analysis of the Koah-hiun Processional System of the Tainan Region and Its Social Significance | Taipei, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 2003 | 1375 |
AMAE Yoshihisa | Taiwan's Exodus: The Presbyterian Church in Taiwanese Nationalism, 1945-1992 (Ph.D. Dissertation) | Honolulu, University of Hawai'i, 2007 | 2143 |
ANDRADE Tonio | Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over the West | New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2011 | 2242 |
ANDRADE Tonio | How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century | New York, Columbia University Press, 2009 | 2171 |
AROTCARENA Guillaume, JOBIN Paul, SABOURET Jean-François (eds.) | Démocratie, modernité et christianisme en Asie | Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2009 | 2072 |
ARRIGO Linda Gail, MILES Lynn (eds.) | A Borrowed Voice: Taiwan Human Rights through International Networks, 1960-1980 | Taipei, Social Empowerment Alliance, 2008 | 2141 |
ASH Robert and GREENE J. Megan | Taiwan in the 21st Century: Aspects and limitations of a development model | London and New York, Routledge, 2007 | 1872 |
ASH Robert, GARVER John W., PRIME Penelope B., ed. | Taiwan's Democracy: Economic and political challenges | New York: Routledge, 2011 | 2219 |
Asian Survey | XLIV:4 Special Issue on Taiwan's Search for National Identity | Berkeley, University of California Press, 2004 | 1530 |
ASPALTER Christian | Understanding Modern Taiwan | Aldershot (Hampshire), Ashgate, 2001 | 1351 |
ASPALTER Christian ed. | Democratization and Welfare State Development in Taiwan | Aldershot (Hampshire), Ashgate, 2002 | 1289 |
AU-YEUNG Annie, BONNIN Michel, JACQUET Raphaël | Lexique des mots nouveaux de la langue chinoise | Paris, Editions You Feng, 1997 | 640 |
Auteur/Author | Titre/Title | Edition / Publisher | Ref. |
BAI Lian | Evolving On-Line Empowerment: The Manchu Identity Revival Since the 1980s (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no.195) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2008 | 2041 |
BAI Xianyong | Gens de Taipei | Paris, Flammarion, 1997 | 518 |
BAI Xianyong | Garçons de cristal | Paris, Flammarion, 1995 | 280 |
BAIN Irene | Agricultural Reform in Taiwan | Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 1993 | 238 |
BALCOM John and BALCOM Yingtsih (eds.), BALCOM John (trans. & intro.) | Indigenous Writers of Taiwan: An Anthology of Stories, Essays, & Poems | New York, Columbia Unversity Press, 2005 | 2054 |
BARCLAY George W. | Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan | Princeton (N.J.), Princeton University Press, 1954 | 396 |
BATE H. Maclear | Report from Formosa | London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952 | 2057 |
BEDIN Véronique, FOURNIER Martine (eds.) | La Bibliothèque idéale des sciences humaines | Auxerre, Sciences Humaines Editions, 2008 | 2179 |
BEFU Harumi | Cultural nationalism in East Asia - Representation and Identity | Berkeley (Ca.), Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1993 | 405 |
BELLOWS Thomas J. | Taiwan's Foreign Policy in the 1970s : A Case Study of Adaptation and Viability (Occasional Papers/ Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 4) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1977 | 242 |
BELLOWS Thomas J. | The Republic of China Legislative Yuan: A Study of Institutional Evolution (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 175) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2003 | 1409 |
BERGERE Maire-Claire | La Chine de 1949 à nos jours | Paris, Armand Colin, 2000 | 1075 |
BERGERE Marie-Claire | Sun Yat-Sen | Paris, Fayard, 1994 | 1064 |
BERRY Chris and LU Feii | Island on the Edge: Taiwan New Cinema and After | Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2005 | 1786 |
BIARNES Pierre | Pour l'empire du monde: Les Américains aux frontières de la Russie et de la Chine | Paris, Ellipses, 2003 | 1411 |
BITZINGER Richard A. and GILL Bates | Gearing up for High-Tech Warfare? Chinese and Taiwanese Defense Modernization and Implications for Military Confrontation Across the Taiwan Strait, 1995-2005 | Washington, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 1996 | 493 |
BLANCHARD Jean-Marc F., HICKEY Dennis V., ed. | New Thinking about the Taiwan Issue: Theoretical insights into its origins, dynamics, and prospects | New York / Abingdon: Routledge, 2012 | 2252 |
BLUNDELL David | Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, and Prehistory | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 2001 | 1536 |
BLUNDELL David, ed. | Taiwan since martial law : society. culture. politics. economy | Taipei : Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines ; Berkeley : University of California, Berkeley ; Taipei : National Taiwan University Press, 2012 | 2254 |
BLUSSE Leonard & EVERTS Natalie (eds.) | Around and about Formosa: Essays in honor of Professor Ts'ao Yung-ho | Taipei, Ts'ao Yung-ho Foundation for Culture and Education, 2003 | 1675 |
BLUSSE Leonard and EVERTS Natalie | The Formosan Encounter Vol. II 1636-1645 | Taipei, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 2000 | 975 |
BLUSSE Leonard and EVERTS Natalie | The Formosan Encounter. Notes on Formosa's Aboriginal Society: A Selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources, Vol III: 1646-1654 | Taipei, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 2006 | 2065 |
BLUSSÉ Leonard (ed.) | The Formosan Encounter Vol. I 1623-1635 | Taipei, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 1999 | 974 |
BO Yang | The Ugly Chinaman | Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1992 | 059 |
BOILLOT Jean-Joseph et MICHELON Nicolas | Chine, Hong Kong, Taïwan. Une nouvelle géographie économique de l'Asie | Paris, La documentation Française, 2001 | 1603 |
BOLING David | Mass Rape, Enforced Prostitution, and the Japanese Imperial Army: Japan Eschews International Legal Responsibility? (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 128) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1995 | 255 |
BORAO MATEO Jose Eugenio | Spaniards in Taiwan, Vol. I 1582-1641 | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 2001 | 1360 |
BORAO MATEO Jose Eugenio | Spaniards in Taiwan, Vol. II 1642-1682 | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 2002 | 1361 |
BRASIER Michel | Les Relations Franco-Chinoises | Paris, Journaux Officiels, 1995 | 455 |
BRESCIANI Umberto | Reinventing Confucianism: The New Confucian Movement | Taipei, Taipei Ricci Institute, 2001 | 1589 |
BRISTOW, Roger, ed. | Planning in Taiwan: Spatial planning in the twenty-first century | New York: Routledge, 2010 | 2206 |
BROWN Melissa J. | Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan | Berkeley, University of California Press, 1996 | 567 |
BROWN Melissa J. ed. | Is Taiwan Chinese? | Berkeley, University of California Press, 2004 | 1413 |
BROWN Seyom, CLARK Cal, TAKEUCHI Hiroki, and TAN Alex (eds.) | Taiwan at a Turning Point (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no.196) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2009 | 2098 |
BULLARD Monte R. | The Soldier and the Citizen - The Role of the Military in Taiwan's Development | Armonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 1997 | 529 |
Bureau of National Health Insurance | National Health Insurance in Taiwan Profile 2006 | Taipei, Bureau of National Health Insurance, 2006 | 1658 |
BUSH Richard C. | Untying the Knot: Making Peace in the Taiwan Strait | Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press, 2005 | 1537 |
BUSH Richard C. | At Cross Purposes: U.S. - Taiwan Relations Since 1942 | Armonk (N.Y.), M.E. Sharpe, 2004 | 1480 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | L'esprit de défense de Taiwan face à la Chine. La jeunesse taiwanaise face à la tentation de la Chine | Paris, L'Harmattan, 2009 | 2161 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre, VERMANDER Benoît | La Chine en quête de ses frontières: La confrontation Chine-Taiwan | Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2005 | 1573 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | Le système politique de Taiwan | Paris: PUF, 1999 | 2204 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | La politique internationale de la Chine | Paris: Presses Sciences Po., 2010 | 2205 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | Le système politique de la Chine populaire | Paris, PUF, 1994 | 228 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | Taiwan-Chine populaire : l'impossible réunification | Paris, Ifri-Dunod, 1995 | 001 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | Nouvelle crise dans le détroit de Taiwan | Paris, La Documentation francaise, 1996 | 407 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | Le système politique de Taiwan | Paris, PUF, 1999 | 834 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | "Taipei-Pékin : Les liaisons dangereuses"(Politique internationale / dossier spécial : Taiwan) | Paris, Politique internationale, 1996 | 402 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | Chine-Taiwan : La guerre est-elle concevable? | Paris, ECONOMICA, 2003 | 1656 |
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre | L'Envol du communisme en Chine | Paris, Gallimard, 1983 | 688 |
CALTIONHILL Mark | Private Prayers and Public Parades: Exploring the Religious Life of Taipei | Taipei, Department of Information, Taipei City Government, 2002 | 1668 |
CAMPBELL Rev. WM. | An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, Vol.1 | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1996 | 1683 |
CAMPBELL Rev. WM. | The Gospel of St. Matthew in Formosan (Sinkang Dialect) | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1996 | 1674 |
CAMPBELL Rev. WM. (ed.) | An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, Vol.2 | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1996 | 1684 |
CAMPBELL William | Formosa under the Dutch | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1992 | 207 |
CAMPBELL William | Sketches from Formosa | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1996 | 980 |
CAUQUELIN Josiane | Ritual Texts of the Last Traditional Practitioners of Nanwang Puyuma | Taipei, Academia Sinica, Institute of Linguistics, 2008 | 2056 |
CAUQUELIN Josiane | The Aborigines of Taiwan. The Puyuma: from headhunting to the modern world | London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004 | 2055 |
CEFC | An International Conference on The Development of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, Conference Papers I | Taipei, CEFC, INPR and IFRI, 1998 | 737 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1995~1996 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1186 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1999~2001 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1188 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1997~1998 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1187 |
CEFC | An International Conference on The Development of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, Program | Taipei, CEFC, INPR and IFRI, 1998 | 736 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from China Perspective 2000~2001 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1184 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from China Perspectives 1995~1997 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1182 |
CEFC | An International Conference on The Development of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe, Conference Papers II | Taipei, CEFC, INPR and IFRI, 1998 | 738 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from Perspectives Chinoises 1992~1994 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1185 |
CEFC | Articles about Taiwan from China Perspectives 1998~1999 | Taipei, CEFC Antenne de Taipei, 2002 | 1183 |
Center for Chinese Studies | Digest of Chinese Studies 1993 | Taipei, American Association for Chinese Studies, 1994 | 257 |
Center for Modern China | Special Topic: Making Sense Of Relations Across The Taiwan Strait (Journal of Contemporary China, 6(15) ) | Princeton (N.J.), Center for Modern China, 1997 | 673 |
Center for Taiwan Studies, UCSB | Proceedings for Taiwan Studies in Global Perspectives, October 26-27, 2007 | Santa Barbara (Ca.), Center for Taiwan Studies, University of California, 2008 | 2009 |
Central Election Commission | The Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Law | Taipei, Central Election Commission, 1995 | 282 |
Central Election Commission | The Public Officials Election and Recall Law | Taipei, Central Election Commission, 1995 | 283 |
CH'EN Chieh-ju; DUMONT René ed. | Chiang Kai-shek's Secret Past: The Memoir Of His Second Wife | New York, Westview Press, 1993 | 057, 219 |
Ch'en Ying-chen | L'île verte | Paris, Bleu de Chine, 2000 | 1598 |
CHAIGNE Christine | La Reconnaissance des Gouvernement Chinois par la France | Aix, Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 1996 | 291 |
CHAIGNE Christine, PAIX Catherine, ZHENG Chantal éds | Taiwan enquête sur une identité | Paris, Karthala, 2000 | 1153 |
CHAN Diana, WU Painan | A Bibliography of Asia-Pacific | Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 1992 | 233 |
CHANG Chao-Tang, ed. | Tamsui : cinquante ans de la vie taiwanaise au bord du fleuve (看見淡水河) | Taipei, Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, 1994 | 115 |
CHANG Doris T. | Women's Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan | Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2009 | 2120 |
CHANG Hao | Chinese Intellectuals in Crisis: Search for Order and Meaning (1890-1911) | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1987 | 1663 |
CHANG Jaw-Ling Joanne | United States-Taiwan Relations: Twenty Years after Taiwan Relations act (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 156) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2000 | 1136 |
CHANG Jaw-Ling Joanne and BOYER William W. eds. | R.O.C.-U.S.A. Relations, 1979-1989 | Taipei, Institute of American Culture Academia Sinica, 1991 | 1148 |
CHANG Kwang-chih | Anthropological Studies of the Taiwan Area: Accomplishments and Prospects | Taipei, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, 1989 | 792 |
CHANG Kwang-chih | Souvenirs de la Patate douce. Une adolescence taiwanaise | Paris, Bleu de Chine, 2005 | 1599 |
CHANG Sung-sheng Yvonne | Modernism and the Nativist Resistance | Durham (N.C.), Duke University Press, 1993 | 215 |
CHANG Sung-sheng Yvonne | Literary Culture in Taiwan: Martial Law to Market Law | New York, Columbia University Press, 2004 | 1793 |
CHARETTE Rick | Reflections on Taipei: Expat Residents Look at Their Second Home | Taipei, Department of Information, Taipei City Government, 2003 | 1669 |
CHEN Cheng-siang | Geo-Essays on Taiwan | Taipei, SMC Publishing, 1995 | 056 |
CHEN Chi-lu | Material Culture of the Formosan Aborigines | Taipei, Southern Materials Center, Inc., 1988 | 1679 |
CHEN Chung-min, CHUANG Ying-chang, HUANG Shu-min | Ethnicity in Taiwan Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives | Taipei, Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica, 1993 | 312 |
CHEN E.K.Y, WILLIAMS Jack F., WONG Joseph ed. | Taiwan Economy, Society and History | Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 1991 | 236 |
CHEN H.Y. Albert | An Introduction to the Legal System of the People's Republic of China | Hong Kong, Butterworths Asia , 1994 | 448 |
CHEN Li ( 陳黎 ) | Les confins de l'île | Lyon: Tigre de Papier, 2009 | 2202 |
CHEN Shih-horng | Lee Teng-Hui and the Democratization of Taiwan | Taipei County, Taiwan Advocates, 2006 | 1662 |
CHEN Steve & CLARK Cal | Flexibility, Foresight and Fortuna in Taiwan's Development | London, Routledge, 1992 | 094 |
CHEN Tain-Jy | Taiwanese Firms in Southeast Asia | Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998 | 846 |
CHEN Tsung-ming | Les Jésuites à Taiwan de 1951 à 1975 (Thèse de doctorat) | Lyon, Faculté de Géographie, Histoire, histoire de l'Art, Tourisme, Université Lumière-Lyon 2, 2006 | 1773 |
CHEN Yi-shen, HSUEH Hua-yuan, LI Ming-juinn and HU Ching-shan eds. | Taiwan's International Status: History and Theory | Taipei County, Taiwan Advocates, 2005 | 1483 |
CHEN Yu-hua | The Impact of Socioeconomic Development on Women's Status in the Family: Similaritites and Differences between China and Taiwan | Ann Arbor (Mich.), Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company, 2000 | 1283 |
CHENG Chu-yuan | The Role of the Republic of China in The World Economy (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 129) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1995 | 295 |
CHENG Shui-Cheng | Musique de Taiwan | Paris, Editions Guy Trédaniel, 1992 | 1796 |
CHENG Shui-Cheng and HSU Tsang-Houei | Les musiques et les chants hakka des deux rives du Détroit de Taiwan | Paris, Edition You Feng, 1998 | 1795 |
CHENG Tun-jen, HAGGARD Stephen | Political Change in Taiwan | Boulder (Co.), Lynne Rienner, 1992 | 213 |
CHENG Tun-jen, HUANG Chi, WU Samuel S.G. | Inherited Rivalry Conflict Across the Taiwan Strait | Boulder (Co.), Lynne Rienner, 1992 | 210 |
CHENG Ying | Les paysans de Mancang: Chronique d'un village taiwanais | Paris, KARTHALA, 2003 | 1533 |
CHEVALIÉRIAS Philippe | La Marche des firmes taiwanaises vers le continent chinois (Thèse - Volume 2) | Paris, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), 1999 | 872 |
CHEVALIÉRIAS Philippe | La Marche des firmes taiwanaises vers le continent chinois (Thèse - Volume 3) | Paris, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), 1999 | 873 |
CHEVALIÉRIAS Philippe | La Marche des firmes taiwanaises vers le continent chinois (Thèse - Volume 1) | Paris, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), 1999 | 871 |
CHI Schive | Taiwan's Economic Role in East Asia | Washington, Center for Strategic & International Studies, 1995 | 400 |
CHIANG P. K. | The Economic Development of the ROC on Taiwan Issues Strategies | Taipei, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1994 | 038 |
CHIANG Tsu-Wang | Peinture et esthétique taïwanaises: Spécificité emblématique du lavis | Taipei, Institut Ricci de Taipei, 2004 | 1588 |
China News | Directory of Taiwan 1995 | Taipei, China News, 1995 | 047 |
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CHING Leo T. S. | Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation | Berkeley, University of California Press, 2001 | 1195 |
CHIOU C. L. | Democratizing Oriental Despotism | New York, St. Martin's Press, 1995 | 347 |
CHIU Chen Lee-in & CHUNG Chin | An Assessment of Taiwan's Indirect Investment Toward Mainland China | Taipei, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, 1993 | 386 |
CHIU Hungdah | Survey of Recent Developments in China (Mainland and Taiwan), 1985-1986 (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 79) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1990 | 245 |
CHIU Hungdah | Recent Relations Between China and Taiwan and Taiwan's Defense Capabilities (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 134) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1996 | 399 |
CHIU Hungdah | Taiwan's Legal System and Legal Profession (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 124 ) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1994 | 329 |
CHIU Hungdah | Implementation of Taiwan Relations Act: An Examination After Twenty Years (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 163) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2001 | 1199 |
CHIU Hungdah | The Status of Customary International Law, Treaties, Agreements and Semi-official or Unofficial Agreements in Law of the Republic of China on Taiwan (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no.190) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2007 | 1985 |
CHIU Hungdah and CHEN Chung-I | Koo-Wang Talks and the Prospect of Building Constructive and Stable Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 119) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1993 | 250 |
CHIU Hungdah and DREYER June Teufel | Chinese Attitude Toward Continental Shelf and Its Implication on Delimiting Seabed in Southeast Asia (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 1) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1977 | 240 |
CHIU Hungdah and FA Jyh-pin | Constitutional Development and Reform in the Republic of China on Taiwan (with documents) (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 115) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1993 | 249 |
CHIU Hungdah ed. | The Taiwan Relations Act and Sino-American Relations (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 100 ) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1990 | 247 |
CHIU Hungdah ed. | The International Legal Status of The Republic of China (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 112) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 1992 | 248 |
CHIU Scarlett and SAND Christophe (eds.) | From Southeast Asia to the Pacific: Archaeological Perspectives on the Austronesian Expansion and the Lapita Cultural Complex (東南亞到太平洋:從考古學證據看南島語族擴散與 Lapita 文化之間的關係) | Taipei, Center for Archaeological Studies, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2007 | 1915 |
CHO Hui-Wan | Legal Eligibility of Taiwan's Accession to GATT/WTO (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, no. 158) | Baltimore, School of Law, University of Maryland, 2000 | 1220 |
CHO Hui-Wan | Taiwan's Application to GATT/WTO | Westport (Conn.), Praeger, 2002 | 1297 |
CHOU Bih-er, CLARK Cal,CLARK Janet | Women in Taiwan Politics | Boulder (Co.), Lynne Rienner, 1990 | 715 |
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Articles on Taiwan
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