創造包容的社會: 媒體與少數社群的關係 – 《媽媽的神奇小子》電影放映 Building a More Inclusive Hong Kong: Media and Representation of Minorities – « Zero to Hero » Film Screening


 2:00pm - 6:00pm
 Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Prof. Lisa Leung, Ms. Rabi Yim, Dr. Maggie Leung, Ms. Michelle Pang

近年社會弱勢社群,少數族裔,性小眾等問題喺香港得到廣泛嘅關注,越來越多媒體同電影都涉獵呢方面題材就證明咗呢一點。為咗深入了解呢個話題,法國現代中國研究中心舉行一次電影放映會,同時邀請咗呢個領域的專家一同嚟討論。 12 月 17 日晏晝兩點鐘,歡迎嚟到香港文化博物館,同我們一齊參加研討會,欣賞《媽媽的神奇小子》—— 講述殘奧會冠軍蘇樺偉人生經歷嘅電影。

Social, ethnic, and sexual minorities in Hong Kong have received increased attention in recent years, as evidenced by their growing representation in medias and films. To delve into this topic, the CEFC offers a film-screening followed by a discussion with specialists in the field. Join us on 17/12/22 2PM at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum for the talk and watch ‘Zero to Hero’, a film that covers the life of paralympic winner So Wa Wai!

Date : 17 December 2022
Time: 2:00 – 4:00pm (film screening), 4:00 – 6:00pm (seminar)
The seminar will be held in Cantonese with English interpretation 
Free of charge, no registration required
Limited seats, first come first served

Speakers :
Prof. Lisa Leung  (Lingnan University)
Ms. Rabi Yim (Co-founder of Co-creer)
Dr. Maggie Leung (HKU)

Moderator :
Ms. Michelle Man-Long Pang (HKUST)

