[CEFC Taipei] France’s Leading Role in the EU+’s Strategic Projection in the Indo-Pacific



France’s Leading Role in the EU+’s Strategic Projection in the Indo-Pacific

César de Prado (EU Centre in Taiwan, National Taiwan University)

January 15, 2021, 3PM

Conference Room 2B, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica

The world is moving towards a new structural bipolarity defined by the growing confrontation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, while the EU+ attempts to play a role in it. The EU+ is the flexible configurations of like-minded countries (especially the E3 [France, Germany and Italy] and the Ei2 [European Intervention Initiative]) working with the resilient European Union. This can be seen in the development of key EU+ dimensions: its internal capabilities, its external links (alliances and partnerships), its grand strategic thinking, and its realignments in critical conflicts in the Indo-Pacific, as Taiwan and surrounding seas, the Korean Peninsula and the border disputes in the Western Himalayas. France is leading much of the EU+’s new drive. What are the reasons for this? What are the prospects for this new decade?

Dr. César de Prado is a MOFA Fellow at the EU Centre in Taiwan (Department of Political Science of National Taiwan University), relaunching his academic career with several articles on Europe, China and Asia, and a book on the EU+ in great power competition. He received his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, and accrues academic and professional experiences across Europe and East Asia, lastly as an associate professor at the Centre for European Studies in the Guangdong Institute for International Strategies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. He has published three books (including Global Multi-Level Governance: European and East Asian Leadership, United Nations University Press), and has single-authored around 40 novel academic articles, book chapters and policy papers.

The talk will be given in English. Registration is not required.

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