Journée jeunes chercheurs CEFC-EFEO 2022

Le Centre de Taipei de l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) et l’Antenne de Taipei du Centre d’études français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC) ont le plaisir…

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O lalan ko radiw niyam: Voicing routes, scale, and aspiration in ‘Amis popular musics

O lalan ko radiw niyam: Voicing routes, scale, and aspiration in ‘Amis popular musics DJ Hatfield (NTU) In person seminar 2 December 2022 15:00 Room…

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« Analyse des élections municipales et régionales de novembre 2022 à Taïwan et de leur impact politique »

Frank Muyard (EFEO/NCU) « Analyse des élections municipales et régionales de novembre 2022 à Taïwan et de leur impact politique » Salle de conférence 1, RCHSS, Academia…

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Scream for Life : L’invention d’une contre-culture punk en Chine populaire

[ 新書分享座談 Présentation du livre et discussion ] Scream for Life : L’invention d’une contre-culture punk en Chine populaire Vendredi 13 mai 2022 à 19h30…

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Subversive Incident and a Gesture of Refusal: Dakou and Underground Music in the Early 21st Century in the PRC

Subversive Incident and a Gesture of Refusal: Dakou and Underground Music in the Early 21st Century in the PRC An online webinar with Peng Lei…

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Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration

Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration 在正統與自治之間:台灣知識份子、中國革命與整合正義的探索 Mark McConaghy (National Sun Yat-sen University)…

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Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration

Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration 在正統與自治之間:台灣知識份子、中國革命與整合正義的探索 Mark McConaghy (National Sun Yat-sen University) In-person seminar…

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« Taiwan Queering Globally »

« Taiwan Queering Globally » Speaker: Ting-Fai Yu (Monash University Malaysia) Discussant: Wen Liu (Academia Sinica) November 16, 2021, 14:00. Conference Room 1, Research Center for Humanities…

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Ang Lee, une odyssée cinématographique

Ang Lee, une odyssée cinématographique 從台灣到好萊塢:李安的電影漫遊 Vendredi 1er octobre 2021 19h30-21h00 Librairie Le Pigeonnier No. 9, Lane 97, SongJiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan Inscription Le nombre…

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“Circuit Listening: Chinese Popular Music in the Global 1960s” – An online conversation with Andrew F. Jones (UC Berkeley)

“Circuit Listening: Chinese Popular Music in the Global 1960s” – An online conversation with Andrew F. Jones (UC Berkeley) Taipei Time: Friday 14 May 2021,…

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