Email : [email protected]
Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Research fields
- Études queer asiatiques
- Cultures sinophones
- Migration et mobilité
- Anthropologie
2023- : Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
2022- : Adjunct Faculty, Monash University Malaysia
2019-2022: Professeur adjoint (Assistant Professor) en études de genre, Monash University Malaysia
2021-2022: Responsable de recherche (migrations dans la région asiatique), Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre
2021: Chercheur invité, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2019: Chercheur invité, Global Asia Research Center, National Taiwan University
2018-2019: Chargé de recherche, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University
2017-2018: Assistant de recherche, Centre d’études français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC), Hong Kong
2012-2017: Doctorat, études de genre (anthropologie), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
2024. “The Sinophone as an Uneven Experience of Time and Place: Translocal Media Consumption in Chinese-speaking Malaysia.” positions: asia critique 32(4). (In press)
2024. “Queer Processes of Hong Kong as a Global Formation Post-2019: LGBTIQ+ Hong Kong Migrants and Their Experiences in Taiwan.” Global Networks.
2023. “The Association of Self-perception of Ageing and Quality of Life in Older Adults: A Systematic Review.” The Gerontologist (with Vithya Velaithan, Min-Min Tan, Andrian Liem, Pei-Lee Teh, and Tin Tin Su). 64(4): gnad041.
2023. “Against Dehumanisation: Interview on ‘Vulnerable Minds: The Neuropolitics of Divided Societies’ with Liya Yu” Journal of Intercultural Studies. (with Liya Yu).
2023. “Factors Motivating Chinese Malaysian University Students’ Educational Mobility to Taiwan: State Racism, Historical Connections, and Sinophone Cultural Consumption.” International Journal of Taiwan Studies. 6(2): 368-388.
2022. “Queer Sinophone Malaysia: Language, Transnational Activism, and the Role of Taiwan.” Journal of Intercultural Studies. 43(3): 303-318.
2021. “Queer Migration across the Sinophone World: Queer Chinese Malaysian Students’ Educational Mobility to Taiwan.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47(15): 3549-3563.
2021. “Spatialities of Queer Globalization: Middle- and Working-class Hong Kong Gay Men’s Subjective Constructions of Homophobia.” Sexualities 24(4): 636-653.
2020. “Reconfiguring Queer Asia as Disjunctive Modernities: Notes on the Subjective Production of Working-class Gay Men in Hong Kong.” Journal of Homosexuality 67(6): 863-884.
2018. “Class as a Method to Localise Queer Studies in Hong Kong.” Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 28(2): 309-312.
2018. “Contextualising the National Anthem Law in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Football as a Field of Political Contention.” China Perspectives 2018/3: 79-82.
2017. “The Imprisonment of Occupy Student Leaders: Public Reactions and Debates over Hong Kong’s Judicial Independence.” China Perspectives 2017/4: 59-62.
Book reviews:
2021. “Bubbles and Machines: Gender, Information and Financial Crises, by Micky Lee.” Journal of Cultural Economy. 14(1): 121-123.
2019. “The Cosmopolitan Dream: Transnational Chinese Masculinities in a Global Age, edited by Derek Hird and Geng Song.” Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 3(1-2). URL:
2017. “Borderlands: Towards an Anthropology of the Cosmopolitan Condition, by Michel Agier.” Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration 1(2): 269-271.
2017. “Rethinking Sexual Citizenship, by Jyl J. Josephson.” H-Citizenship, H-Net Reviews. URL:
2017. “Tongzhi Living: Men Attracted to Men in Postsocialist China, by Tiantian Zheng.” WagRev: Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Review 12. URL: