Chloé Froissart

Portrait CF

Associate Researcher


Email: [email protected]


Professor in Political Science, INALCO, Department of Chinese Studies, France

Research fields

– Civil society and labour politics
– Theory of citizenship
– Democracy and participation in China
– Sociology of collective actions (with particular focus on workers movement in China)
– Development of civil society in China (with particular focus on NGOs)
– Labor Politics
– Environmental Politics
– History of political ideas in China


Positions held
2009 onwards:
Rennes 2 University, Department of Chinese Studies, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University Sino-French Center in Social Sciences (CFC), Beijing, Director;
French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Hong Kong, Senior Researcher;
2011-2013 :
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, Invited Professor
Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po), Paris, Invited Professor
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, Centre for Research on Modern and Contemporary China, Postdoctoral Researcher
 National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), Department of Chinese Studies (Paris), Lecturer.

2007: PhD in political science, Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po);
2001: MA in political science, Maj.”Asian studies”, Paris Institute of Political Science (Sciences Po);
1999: BA in Chinese language and civilization, National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), Paris.



2018 Chloé Froissart ed., Public Participation and Social Governance (公眾參與和社會治理), Lectures at Tsinghua University from 2014 to 2017., Beijing, Encyclopaedia of China Publishing House. 238 p. (Compte-rendu par Dr. Jia Xijing: Télécharger (en chinois))

2013 La Chine et ses migrants. La conquête d’une citoyenneté. Presses universitaires de Rennes, coll. Res Publica, 2013.

Journal issues

2018 The “Chinese social sciences” versus “Western social sciences” debate: an epistemological account (China Perspectives 2018/4).

2014 “The ambiguities between contention and political participation. A study of civil society development in authoritarian regimes,” Journal of Civil Society, 10 (3), 2014, pp. 219-222.

2013 “Protesting in early 21st century China,” Books and Ideas, March (with Emilie Frenkiel)

Articles in peer-review journals and book chapters

2019  with Liu Yan and Meng Quan, “Trade-offs Between State Organizations and Workers’ Organizations: Chinese Unions in Search of Authoritarian Collective Bargaining”, China Perspectives 2019/2, pp.29-38

2019  “From outsiders to insiders: the rise of China ENGOs as new experts in the law-making process and the building of a technocratic representation”, Journal of Chinese Governance, July 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/23812346.2019.1638686

2017 “Negotiating authoritarianism and its limits: worker-led collective bargaining in Guangdong province,” China Information, published online in November 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0920203X17743126.

2017 “Changing Patterns of Chinese Civil Society: Comparing the Hu-Wen and the Xi Jinping Eras,” in Willy Wo-Lap Lam (ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party. London: Routledge, 2017, pp. 352-371.

2015 “La Démocratie en Chine: une question d’équilibres,” in J.M. Bouissou (ed.), La démocratie en Asie, Japon, Inde, Chine, Paris, Editions Philippe Picquier, pp. 103-153.

2015 “L’évolution de la dynamique des grèves en Chine et leur impact sur la démocratisation au sein des entreprises,” in Clément Sehier and Richard Sobel (eds), Travail, luttes sociales et régulation du capitalisme dans la Chine contemporaine, Lille, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion (Coll. “Capitalismes – éthique – institutions”), pp. 103-121.

2014  “L’émergence de négociations collectives autonomes en Chine,” Critique Internationale, No. 65, October-December 2014, pp. 43-63

2014 “The ambiguities between contention and political participation. A study of civil society development in authoritarian regimes,” Journal of Civil Society, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2014, pp. 219-222.

2014 “Using the law as a ‘harmonious weapon’: The Ambiguities of legal activism in favour of migrant workers in China”, Journal of Civil Society, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2014, pp. 255-272.

2014 with Yi Xu, “Hong Kong et le delta de la rivière des Perles : liens économiques et activisme social,” in Sebastian Veg (ed.), “Hong Kong prend le large,” Critique, No. 807-808, August-September 2014, pp. 726-739.

2013 with Leïla Choukroune, “Legal Reforms and Social Protest in a State with No Rule of Law: the Chinese Experiments,” Le Mouvement social, 2013/3, No. 244, pp. 47-65.

2013 “Fighting for a Fair Wage. The Changing Demands of the Chinese Working Class,” Books&Ideas, March 2013.

2012 “Les ‘ONG’ de défense des droits des travailleurs migrants: l’émergence de formes proto-syndicales en Chine,” Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, No. 135, March 2012, pp. 22-33.

2012 “Quelles avancées pour les négociations collectives et la réforme des syndicats en Chine?”, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, No. 134, January 2012, pp. 16-28.

2011 “NGOs Defending Migrant Workers’ Rights: Semi-union organizations contribute to the regime’s dynamic stability,” China Perspectives, 2011/2, pp. 18-25.

2011 “La radicalisation des actions collectives en Chine et ses conséquences politiques,” Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, No. 128, January 2011, pp. 15-24.

2008 “Le système du hukou: pilier de la croissance chinoise et du maintien du PCC au pouvoir,” Etudes du CERI, No. 149, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2008, 47 p.

2008 “Creating a ‘Harmonious society’: Issues and Challenges,” in “Entreprendre en Chine: contexte politique, management, réalités sociales” (Doing business in China: Political Context, Management, Social Realities), Etudes du CERI, No. 145-146, National Foundation for Political Science Press, 2008, pp. 8-18.

2006 “Escaping from under the Party’s Thumb: A Few Examples of Migrant Workers Striving for Autonomy,” Social Research, Vol. 73, No. 1, Spring 2006, pp. 197-218.

In the media

Recent interviews and op-eds (selected):

Webinar Made in China with Tim Pringle: The predicament of labour activists in the increasingly authoritarian China, October 2019: 

Trente ans après Tian’anmen, le front social n’est pas mort, quoted by La Tribune de Genève, Tuesday 4 June 2019, p.16 [in French]

“Xi Jinping, le nouveau timonier”, quoted by Le Monde [in French]

“Dans la crise à Hongkong, la Chine ne reculera pas”, op-ed in Le Monde [in French]

“China’s Xi Jinping has muzzled social sciences, says French sinologist Chloé Froissart”, interview by Global Voices, republished by Hong Kong Free Press

Que reste-t-il de Tian’anmen ? Du grain à moudre, in France Culture [in French]

Ailleurs, la Chine ? (4/5) Faire des sciences sociales en Chine aujourd’hui, in France Culture, Matières à penser, interview with Patrick Boucheron [in French]

“Labor issues are particularly sensitive for the CCP”, interview by the Mercator Institute for China Studies

Chroniques estudiantines (3/4) Tiananmen : 100 ans de contestation étudiante, in Cultures Monde, France Culture [in French]

Portrait de la Chine 30 ans après Tian’anmen, in Décryptage RFI [in French]

Il doit y avoir des références à Xi Jinping dans chaque chapitre, in Libération [in French]

La Chine et ses migrants: des progrès fragiles, in the blog of the Agence française du développement (AFD) [in French]

Pékin ferme les écoles à sa population « bas de gamme », in Le Figaro [in French]

En Chine Xi Jinping réussit un coup d’Etat constitutionnel, in Le Monde [in French]

Pékin chasse sa population bas de gamme, in Grand reportage RFI [in French]

Pékin se modernise à marche forcée, in Le Figaro [in French]

Comment Xi Jinping a réinventé la dictature, in Le Monde [in French]

Le Parti communiste chinois fait la chasse au petit peuple, in Le Monde [in French]

En Chine, la ligne rouge du virage vert, in Le Monde Diplomatique [in French]

Reportage International : Chine: vivre avec la censure, in RFI [in French]

Manifestations en Chine contre des projets polluants, in Le Monde [in French]

En Chine, 500 manifestations quotidiennes contre la pollution, in Novethic [in French]

Les sous-sols pékinois et leurs rats, in RFI [in French]

Canton se rebelle, in Le Monde [in French]

“Apple City”, la face sauvage de l’urbanisation chinoise, in Le Monde [in French]

En Chine, une urbanisation à deux vitesses, in Le Monde [in French]

Book reviews

Book reviews of Chloé Froissart’s La Chine et ses migrants:

– by Éric Florence, published in China Perspectives, No. 2014/3, 2014.
– “Mobility, Identity and the State: China’s Approach of Internal and External Migration in the Light of two recent French publications,” by Kaja Skowrońska, published in Polish Sociological Review, Vol. 187, No. 3, 2014.
– “En Chine, la longue marche des sans-papiers pour leurs droits,” by Carine Fouteau, published on Médiapart.fr on August 1st, 2014.
– “Les clandestins de l’intérieur,” by Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, published on LaViedesIdées.fr on April 23, 2014.
– by Gilles Guiheux, published in La Revue Française de Science Politique, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2014.
